
IDemocracy is a European Project, implemented with the support of the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. The project aims at increasing the competencies of persons with intellectual disabilities and their supporters, which are related to the exercise of their democratic rights in the digital society.

The main objective is increasing the competencies of persons with intellectual disabilities and their supporters, which are related to the exercise of democratic rights in the digital society.

An innovative training methodology will be developed focusing in the organization, community and political levels. Training materials will be adapted to each target group and an e-Training Tool will be created, in order to support the implementation of the training methodology. Pilot Validation Actions will be implemented involving more than 100 persons in Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Greece and Lithuania.

IDemocracy will be implemented between November 2020 and October 2022 by a European Consortium, led by Plena Inclusión Comunidad Valenciana (Spain), with the participation of other entities specialised in the Intellectual Disability, such as Federação Nacional de Cooperativas de Solidariedade Social – FENACERCI (Portugal), Kinonikes Sineteristikes Drastiriotites Efpathon Omadon – K.S.D.E.O. EDRA (Greece),  Hrvatska Udruga Radnih Terapeuta – HURT (Croatia), “Lietuvos sutrikusio intelekto žmonių globos bendrija – “Viltis” (Lithuania), as well as entities specialised in the field of the development of e-training tools and digital literacy of persons with special needs, such as Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), E-Seniors: Initiation des seniors aux NTIC association (France).

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